Friday, May 27, 2011

A Start....

Now that we are a family of four, I thought that I would get with the times and start a family blog....for all you friends and family out there.  But most of all, for the grandparents.  It is hard for us to live so far away from you...and we know that it is just as hard for you (come visit anytime though!)  So here is my commitment to posting more pictures, stories, and maybe even a few videos.  Just pray that I will find some time to do it!

The girls snuggling with their daddy.


  1. Cutie Pies!!! Miss you - you're beautiful!!!

  2. Love this blog Chelsa!!! I have one that I keep for our family too... if you ever want to read along with us. I have it locked, but if you send me your e-mail I can add you. I can't wait to keep up with you on here and see more pictures of your cuties!! Hope all is well and thanks for sharing!!!
