Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ellie Update

8 months old.  Wow.  I can’t believe how much Ellie has grown in the last month.  Her physical developments are the most obvious of course.  She has been army crawling for over two months now and is all over the place and up and over pretty much anything.  Sometimes she gets up on her hands and knees and crawls a few steps, but them drops back to her belly (I think because she is much faster that way).  She is now pulling up to stand on anything that will support her weight.  She loves to be standing and has a better view (and reach) of treasures on the couch!  She has gotten a couple of bumps/bruises and will probably get a few more since she is always on the move and is pretty adventurous.  One of her favorite places to play is under my computer desk…it has a little ledge she likes to climb up on and lots of cords to pull.  Needless to say, I feel like I am constantly pulling her out from under the desk.  

Ellie is a squirmy little girl, especially when it comes to changing her diaper or feeding her.  She doesn’t sit for very long, unless I am right there next to her playing.  She would rather be crawling, exploring and following us around.  When we are in another room, she will come and find us.  It is fun.  Ellie has also learned to clap and shake her head “no”.  She likes to blow raspberries, click her tongue and even snorts sometimes when she laughs.

Ellie loves to be social.  She wants to be a part of whatever is going on.  Sometimes she has a hard time going down for a nap because she knows that something is going on without her.  We still have her sleeping in the storage room, which is nice and dark and usually more quiet.  I want the girls to start sharing the room, but Kylie likes to listen to music when she goes to sleep and Ellie needs it quiet.

Ellie loves being outside, playing the guitar and chewing on everything (including my cell phone, hands and face).  She adores her big sister and wants to play with her.  She especially loves to grab at Kylie’s hair.    Ellie has had some separation anxiety lately.  She often cries when I put her down and walk away to go do something.  She loves Chris, but sometimes when he is holding her, she leans towards and whines for me.  She loves me holding her while I am doing things.  (You would think that my arms would be stronger by now!)

Ellie can say Mama and Dada and I am pretty sure she knows what they mean.  I like to ask her, “Where is Daddy?” and watch her look for Chris and then ask her, “Where is Mommy?” and she turns back to me.  She is becoming more aware of things around her and is starting to enjoy reading books with us (and not just chewing on them).

Ellie is such a delight to have in our home!  You sure are loved El Belle!

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