Sunday, August 14, 2011

She's a Climber

Well, Kylie has really been working on her climbing technique lately.  It first started with her figuring out how to climb out of the portable crib she slept in while we were in Vegas.  Once back home, it only took her a day to try climbing out of her own big crib, only falling once (I think.  She never lets me be in the room when she is climbing out.  Maybe she is afraid I might try to help her?)  Then, she of course desired to climb into her crib by herself, which was a little more difficult to master.  But, she is determined to be as independent as she can, so she figured it out pretty quickly.  She now insists on getting up after bed and nap time all by herself.  If we go to get her up in the morning, she immediately tells us to go....she wants to get herself out (and her bears, baby doll, pillow and blankets), turn on the light, and open the door.  And of course now she enjoys climbing in and out when she should be falling asleep (I find all sorts of funny things in her crib when I check on her at night).

One morning I could hear her playing in her room, but something sounded a little different.  I peeked in to find her standing atop her dresser getting some nicknacks down from the shelf on the wall.

The next day I found her in the pantry on top of stacked cases of canned pineapple and mandarin oranges looking for a snack.  When we go to the park, she loves to climb up those spiral climbing things that are clearly meant for kids older than 2 (who knows what they are called).  She used to make me so nervous, especially since she doesn't allow me to help in any way.  But after doing it successfully a dozen times, I can now stand a few feet away. :)  And of course she finally has climbed all the way through the little window in her play closet.  She was pretty proud of this feat, since it is something that Chris's 4-year-old cousin Spencer does when he comes over.

Next climbing endeavor....Rock Canyon?  Let's strap come climbing shoes and a harness on her and see how high she gets!

1 comment:

  1. What a climber! Hehehe! Livia is a great climber too- we really should all go rock climbing together. :). Liv's favorite is to climb on the counter. She is always on the counter- any counter!
